Which HEALTH CONDITIONS often have FATIGUE as a symptom?

Which HEALTH CONDITIONS often have FATIGUE as a symptom

Which HEALTH CONDITIONS often have FATIGUE as a symptom?

Everyday life in itself brings challenges and difficulties. Duties are sometimes exhausting, so we often feel tired and without enough energy. We can often attribute this to insufficient sleep, rest, or the lack of free time to relax, etc.

But sometimes it happens that despite sufficient rest and sleep, we again feel like we do not have enough energy. The reason for this can lie in many things, but it can also be an indicator of a certain health problem. That is why today we will talk about several health conditions that can be manifested through fatigue.

Why do we feel tired most of the time?

Some estimates in the United States show that as many as 15% of women and 10% of men constantly and daily feel excessively tired and without energy. Such fatigue should not be ignored, because it can significantly reduce the quality of life. In addition, it can reduce productivity in the workplace, cause accidents among drivers, reduce the academic performance of students, etc.

It is important to mention that fatigue is a normal occurrence, especially for people with an active life filled with various obligations. Most often, it is the result of insufficient or poor-quality sleep, something that is common for many. Unfortunately, sleep is often neglected and it is thought that in the US as many as 35% of adults have a lack of sleep, and the number is also worrying for teenagers – an age that is critical for growth and development.

But what if, despite a long and quality sleep, we feel tired again? Could it be an indicator of some health problem? We can perceive this if, despite sufficient rest, we again feel excessive fatigue that makes it difficult to perform daily tasks and obligations. If this is the case, then the cause of such fatigue may lie in a health condition or our daily habits.

What health conditions are associated with constant fatigue?

  1. Anemia – one of the most common conditions that causes constant fatigue and lack of energy. More specifically, we are talking about iron deficiency anemia. Women with longer menstrual cycles, as well as pregnant women, are more prone to this condition. However, anemia can be present in postmenopausal women as well as in men. In these two groups, anemia is often accompanied by problems with the stomach and intestines. An indicator of anemia is a lack of energy, a feeling of heaviness in the muscles, and rapid fatigue after some activity. In this regard, it is best to examine the level of iron and hemoglobin if there is a suspicion of this type of anemia and to make certain changes in the diet. In some cases, the use of supplements may also be recommended.
  2. Sleep apnea is a condition where the throat narrows and even closes during the night during sleep. This narrowing leads to a short disturbance in normal breathing and in fact to frequent awakening which can occur several times during the night. Loud snoring is often an indicator of sleep apnea. This condition disrupts the continuity of sleep, which prevents it from flowing through all the necessary stages. The awakening is also brief; people often do not remember waking up at night. Lack of continuity in sleep leads to a feeling of fatigue and lack of energy the next day.
Which-HEALTH-CONDITIONS-often-have-FATIGUE-as-a-symptom-300x225 Which HEALTH CONDITIONS often have FATIGUE as a symptom?
Photo by Mel Elías on Unsplash
  1. Celiac disease – also known as celiac disease, is an immune reaction of the body to gluten from the diet. Gluten is a protein that is present in wheat, barley, and rye and is often represented in products such as bread, pasta, cereals, cakes, etc. People are often unaware that they have celiac disease, and it can cause symptoms that can disrupt sleep. The most common symptoms are fatigue, diarrhea, flatulence, anemia, and weight loss.
  2. Depression – a health condition that has seen an alarming increase in the number of cases. In addition to the feeling of sadness and lack of will for the simplest things, depression is characterized by fatigue, the need for more rest, reduced energy levels, and the like. Depression can disrupt both the quality and duration of sleep, and this directly affects your energy level the following day. If there is a suspicion of depression, in you or your loved one, it is best to start with a conversation with your doctor or psychiatrist, to establish a reliable and accurate diagnosis.

Other health conditions that can cause fatigue include:

Anxiety: A little, occasional anxiety is completely normal. But if the anxiety is present for a large part of the day and interferes with sleep for a long time, then it may be necessary to take certain steps – a conversation with your doctor and possible therapy.

Diabetes – one of the more common symptoms of diabetes is fatigue and lack of energy.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – fatigue that, despite sufficient sleep, lasts continuously for 4 or more months.

Hypothyroidism – a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. One of the main symptoms is fatigue, but also weight gain and muscle pain.

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