Mini TRAININGS – Even The Busiest Can Practice Them!
For many, exercise and physical activity are part of everyday life, that is, a routine…
Homemade Juice that can Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Stroke
A study published in 2019 in the journal Food Science and Nutrition found that tomato…
The Scandinavian Diet is One of The Healthiest (Here is Why)
The Nordic diet is considered one of the best because besides guaranteeing a slim line,…
Health Benefits of Tomatillos
Tomatillos are a small delicious spherical-shaped vegetable with a green color that originates from Mexico…
Health Benefits Of Passion Fruit
Passion Fruit is an exotic fruit that belongs to the family of Passifloraceae, native to…
Your Blood Pressure According To Your Age
Recently Archives of Internal Medicine publicized online research carried out on over 2,000 seniors regarding…
What Are The Signs of Lack of Water in The Body?
Our body is made of more than 60% water. This percentage is a bit different…
Amazing Guava Benefits Heart Healthy, Weight Loss Friendly and More
This is a tropical fruit with a pleasant flavor reminiscent of fresh strawberries and pears.…
Vitamin E – What it Can Do For Your Health
It is liposoluble and accumulates in the liver, adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testicles, uterus, blood…