8 Surefire Ways to Burn More Fat

8 Surefire Ways to Burn More Fat

8 Surefire Ways to Burn More Fat

You exercise, watch your diet and notice that your body is starting to firm up. But you are bothered by the “saucet” that peeks out from the sides above the jeans and the fat deposits on the stomach that hide your toned muscles.

Unfortunately, melting fat is not that simple, nor can it be directed to precisely defined body parts (for example, the stomach, thighs, upper arms, etc.). However, certain strategies can help you eliminate uncomfortable soft body parts faster and show off your figure in full glory.

To burn more fat, vary the intensity of your cardio

Vary your cardio physical activity. The more you practice a specific physical activity, the more the body adapts to it and burns fewer calories. Therefore, surprise the body. If your favorite activity is running, sprint for 2 minutes, then jog slowly, then sprint again. If you walk, walk for 5 minutes, then run slowly for 5 minutes, then walk again.

  1. Exercise with weights

Weight training is not just for men and is especially recommended if you want to burn fat. Muscle mass burns many times more calories than body fat.

The best thing is that muscles burn more calories even at rest, that is when you are not active. To maximize fat loss during a workout, women should do 12-15 reps.

8-Surefire-Ways-to-Burn-More-Fat-300x200 8 Surefire Ways to Burn More Fat
Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash
  1. Consume dairy products

Dairy products are rich in calcium, and calcium reminds the body to burn excess fat faster. Research has shown that women who consume low-fat dairy products 3 times a day burn 70% more fat compared to women who do not consume enough dairy products.

  1. Eat foods rich in vitamin C

Nutritionists recommend eating more food that contains vitamin C because it melts fat faster. In your diet regularly include:

  • Fruit: lemon, grapefruit, lime, watermelon, apple.
  • Vegetables: red peppers, broccoli, cabbage.
  1. Drink a cup of green tea before exercise

Green tea will speed up your metabolism, so during physical activity, along with the higher number of calories burned, you will also burn more fat.

  1. Spice up your meals

Spice up your food with cinnamon and speed up your metabolism with hot pepper. In both cases, you will make your metabolism work faster and burn the fat deposits that are so repulsive to us.

  1. Never starve

When you starve, your body does everything in its power to survive and starts storing fat to survive the “crisis” period. It is the opposite of what you want to achieve. Therefore, do not skip the “Small meal every 3 hours” rule.

  1. Say yes to meditation or another relaxation technique

Stress is one of the biggest causes of belly fat. Hormones secreted during stress have been shown to increase appetite and encourage the “storage” of fat in the abdominal area.

Find an activity that relaxes you and whenever you feel the nerves coming on, take some time and use it to relax.

  1. Most importantly, aim for long-term success

Fat deposits are stubborn and you will not be able to get rid of them so easily, but this should not demotivate you and make you give up.

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