Which are the side effects of Overeating Nuts?

Which are the side effects of Overeating Nuts

Which are the side effects of Overeating Nuts?

Nuts are very healthy, but only when consumed in moderation. Otherwise, you may have some side effects. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews are an important part of the diet, but it is not recommended to overcome the recommended daily dose of them, which is about 50 to 100 grams. Below, you can read what can happen if you overdo the consumption of nuts.

Which are the side effects of Overeating Nuts
Image by Mehran B from Pixabay

Weight gain

Numerous scientific studies have shown that nuts are an excellent choice when you want to lose weight. But it refers to their moderate use, and in case you enter more than the recommended daily amount, it can lead to the opposite effect. Nuts are healthy but they are also high-calorie food, so be careful if you do not want to gain weight.

Gastrointestinal Problems

If you feel bloated after the consumption of nuts, you are not the only one. Often bloating appears because of the tannin, a substance that inhibits digestion. To avoid this, only follow the recommended daily dose of these delicious foods.

Brittle hair and nails, sore muscles, joint pain

All of the above mentioned are symptoms of selenium poisoning, caused by the consumption of too many nuts. Although this phenomenon is relatively rare, it is still another good reason to limit your nut intake above the recommended daily dose.

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