Top 6 Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

Top 6 Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

Top 6 Health Benefits of Tomato Juice

Tomato juice is full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. That is why in summer it is recommended to prepare fresh juice in a blender or juicer. Tomato juice goes well with celery and carrots. Add a little water if you don’t want it to be too thick, as well as ice for extra refreshment.

Although tomatoes consist of 95 percent water, they are still among the healthiest vegetables in the world. Some of the nutrients they contain are, for example, vitamin C (a cup of pure tomato juice meets as much as 74% of the daily needs for this important antioxidant), vitamin K, and the mineral potassium.

However, their most famous ingredient is lycopene, an antioxidant, and carotenoid that gives tomatoes their characteristic red color.

Lycopene is an excellent ally in the fight against inflammation and tumors because it prevents the harmful influence of free radicals. Read on about the health benefits of tomato juice.

Top-6-Health-Benefits-of-Tomato-Juice-300x170 Top 6 Health Benefits of Tomato Juice
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
  1. Helps with hypertension and preserves heart health

Studies have shown that consuming tomato juice can significantly reduce high blood pressure. In addition, tomatoes are rich in vitamin B6, which reduces the level of homocysteine, an amino acid that damages blood vessels and the heart.

  1. Significantly reduces the risk of stroke

A Finnish study of more than 1,000 men aged 46 to 65 over 12 years found that those subjects who had higher levels of lycopene had a 55 percent lower risk of stroke. It is lycopene a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of blood clots, which means that it helps preserve blood vessels.

  1. Eliminates the problem of indigestion

If you have problems with constipation, take this natural laxative! Tomato juice is rich in fiber (2/3 cup of juice contains about 4 g of dietary fiber), so it stimulates the digestive system and can help with indigestion.

  1. Quickly restores skin cells

Tomato juice is an excellent drink for the rapid renewal of skin cells. Thanks to its richness in vitamin C, this juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates collagen production. That’s why it’s great for all those who want to improve the health of their skin and keep its youthful appearance. Lycopene from the juice helps protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays and significantly reduces the risk of sunburn.

  1. It reduces the excessive acidity of the body

If you want to reduce the excessive acidity of the body (which can lead to rheumatism and atherosclerosis), eat raw tomatoes and drink squeezed tomato juice.

  1. Cleanses the body of toxins

Tomato juice contains sulfur and natural chlorine, which improve kidney and liver function. While chlorine helps the liver and kidneys to function properly, sulfur protects these organs from infection and inflammation.

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