Slowing Down The Aging Process

Slowing Down The Aging Process

Slowing Down The Aging Process

Aging occurs as a result of cell degeneration. Our organism is made up of millions of these cells, and the lifespan of each of them is somewhere around two years or less. But before the cell dies, it reproduces itself. Why then, you may ask yourself, do we not look the same now as we did 10 years ago? The reason for this is that with each subsequent successive reproduction, the cell goes through some change – basically a distortion. So, while our cells change, and degenerate, we age.

you can look and feel six to twelve years younger than you are.

Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of the work Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease, established that degenerating cells can be rejuvenated if they are supplied with substances that directly feed them – substances such as nucleic acid.

Slowing Down The Aging Process
Photo by Malin K. on Unsplash

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid) are the nucleic acids in question. DNA is basically the boilerplate for new cells. It sends out RNA molecules, like some team of well-trained workers, to create them. When DNA stops issuing commands to RNA, the construction of new cells stops – as does life. But by helping the body to continue to be well supplied with nucleic acid, claimed Dr. Frenk, you can look and feel 6 to 12 years younger than you are.

According to Dr. Frenk, we need 1 to 1.5 g of nucleic acid per day. Although the organism can produce its own nucleic acids, Dr. Frenk believes that they break down too quickly into less successful compounds and should be supplied from external sources to slow down the aging process and even reverse it.

Foods rich in nucleic acid are wheat germ, bran, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, fish (especially sardines, trout, and anchovy), chicken liver, oatmeal, and onions. He recommends a diet consisting of seafood seven times a week, along with two glasses of skimmed milk, a glass of fruit or vegetable juice, and 4 glasses of water a day. After just two months of adding RNA-DNA and this type of nutrition, Dr. Frank found that his patient revived and there was a significant reduction in electability and obvious health, blusher, and rejuvenated skin.

One of the approaches in the fight against aging is SOD (Superoxide Dismutase). This enzyme strengthens the organism against the ravages of free radicals, destructive molecules that accelerate the aging process by destroying healthy cells and attacking collagen (“concrete” that holds cells together).

As we age, our body produces less and less SOD, so supplements – together with natural food that reduces the formation of free radicals – can help extend our active and productive life. It is important to note, however, that SOD can become inactive very quickly if essential minerals such as Zinc, Copper, and Manganese are not provided.

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), a natural hormone produced by the adrenal gland, is now also used in anti-aging regimes because one of its properties is that it can “calm down” processes in the body and thus slow down the formation of fats, hormones, and acids that contribute to aging.

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