Proper Nutrition For Beautiful Skin

Proper Nutrition For Beautiful Skin

Proper nutrition is the basis for beautiful skin, more important than good cosmetics and make-up. Without “internal cosmetics” that you apply through nutrition, even “surface” ones will not give you satisfactory results. Poor appearance is often not the result of bad preparations but of improper nutrition. In this regard, the skin itself is the best judge: it shows exactly whether you are eating only what you enjoy, or whether you are eating properly.

Photo by Chris Jarvis on Unsplash

Improper nutrition stops cell renewal, so the skin becomes dry and spots and pimples appear. That’s why your menu must contain all the elements necessary for renewal.


You will get the healthiest forms of proteins into your body by consuming milk and milk products. It has been established that one gram of protein per day is needed for each kilogram of body weight. If you weigh 60 kilograms, you should consume 60 grams of protein per day.


Vitamins A and E are considered beauty vitamins; there are enough of them in vegetable margarine and vegetable oils. It is therefore more beneficial for your skin to use vegetable margarine instead of butter and vegetable oils for cooking. All vegetable fats are much healthier than butter or lard.


The main caloric value in our diet is made up of carbohydrates. If you consume a lot of sugar, sweets, and white bread, you need more vitamin B1 for processing – the best way to provide it to your body is if you take black bread and honey.


Vitamin C is necessary for the body. Large amounts of this vitamin are found in southern fruits – lemons and oranges, parsley, leeks, and rose hips. Vitamin E is valuable for beauty, it is found in vegetables, liver, and vegetable oils. You will get vitamin A by using spinach, lettuce, turnips, and egg yolks. Compile your menu based on these foods, thereby reducing smoking and alcohol consumption to a minimum.

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