Homemade Juice that can Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Stroke

Homemade Juice that can Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Stroke

Homemade Juice that can Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Stroke

A study published in 2019 in the journal Food Science and Nutrition found that tomato juice can significantly lower blood pressure.

Researchers from Tokyo followed 481 participants who drank this juice daily, and the results showed that there was a significant improvement in those with high blood pressure.

Study participants drank between 85 and 215 ml of tomato juice each day, with most consuming around 200 ml. Before and after the study, markers of cardiovascular risk were measured, including blood pressure, blood lipid levels, and glucose tolerance.

The results showed that the blood pressure of 94 participants with untreated hypertension was significantly reduced, while the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol fell in 125 participants.

By the way, the tomato contains vitamin C, a cup of pure tomato juice meets as much as 74 percent of the daily needs for this important antioxidant and vitamin K, as well as the mineral potassium.

However, its most famous ingredient is lycopene, an antioxidant, and carotenoid that gives the tomato its characteristic red color. Lycopene is an excellent ally in the fight against inflammation and tumors, as it prevents damage caused by free radicals.

Research has shown that this antioxidant is twice as powerful as, for example, beta-carotene from carrots. Tomato juice is even healthier than the fruit itself precisely because the cell walls are broken by mixing, so even more lycopene is released.

Homemade-Juice-that-can-Reduce-Blood-Pressure-and-Risk-of-Stroke-240x300 Homemade Juice that can Reduce Blood Pressure and Risk of Stroke
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

It helps with hypertension and keeps the heart healthy

If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should consume fresh tomato juice every day. Namely, it works by lowering blood pressure.

More than 500 people between the ages of 20 and 74 took part in a year-long Japanese study. Blood pressure dropped significantly in 20 percent of those who drank a glass of tomato juice every day.

In addition, tomatoes are rich in vitamin B6, which reduces the level of homocysteine, an amino acid that damages blood vessels and the heart. Significantly reduces the risk of stroke blood vessels and heart.

It significantly reduces the risk of stroke

A Finnish study that studied more than 1,000 men between the ages of 46 and 65 over 12 years found that subjects who had higher levels of lycopene had a 55 percent lower risk of stroke.

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of blood clots, which means that by consuming it you help preserve blood vessels.

In addition to the reduced risk of stroke in men with increased lycopene levels, the risk of heart attack is also significantly lower.

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