Five Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Five Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Five Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is one of the most common types of pain. At the same time, it is one of the most exhausting. why? There are many causes of this type of pain, and all are inconvenient, to say the least. Severe pain in the lower back can make it impossible to even carry out work duties.

These are all things we otherwise take for granted, such as bending down to pick up children’s toys or taking food out of the oven. For most people, such and similar tasks would be simple, but for those with lower back pain, they are a real nightmare. We know how you feel. But don’t worry. The nightmare is almost over.

One of the main causes of lower back pain is muscle and ligament strain. The pain can also occur when the muscles and ligaments are so stretched that they are damaged when the acute pain occurs.

Lower back pain can be caused by some chronic and long-term conditions that are difficult to cure. One such condition is lumbar disc herniation, as well as some other degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the spine. Deformities such as scoliosis and kyphosis and compression fractures caused by osteoporosis are common causes of low back pain.

Remember: The lower back supports the upper body and enables movements such as twisting and bending. When it comes to treating pain in this part of the body, there are certain simple activities that you can apply at home.

Five Ways To Relieve Lower Back Pain
Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Five ways to relieve lower back pain

To begin with, remember that different approaches can bring different results depending on the intensity of the pain. You should consult your doctor regarding the proper medical treatment of lower back pain. Here are some things you can do at home to improve your health and ease your pain.

  • Get moving

Although you may feel pain while moving, don’t stop. It may seem like a good idea to stop and rest, but you should do the exact opposite. A sedentary lifestyle will not contribute to the disappearance of pain, so it is best to move.

You can, for example, go for a half-hour walk. You can consult a physiotherapist about the exercises you should do. A good physical therapist is worth its weight in gold when it comes to lower back pain. With this type of pain, you should always consult a doctor and follow his instructions.

  • Maintain a normal body weight

You must stay active and move not only for pain relief but also to maintain a normal body weight. Do not forget that being overweight is likely to intensify lower back pain.

  • Include a diet rich in magnesium and vitamin D

It is known that lower back pain is often caused by conditions that require a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals in the diet. If the pain is caused by a strained muscle, magnesium is often recommended, and if the pain is caused by a disorder such as osteoporosis, one of the vitamins recommended is vitamin D. In any case, these are all conditions that require the advice, and recommendation of a doctor.

  • Heat and ice help

Ice is best if your lower back pain is caused by swelling or inflammation. A heating pad may be a better choice if your muscles are stiff and need relaxation.

  • Certain over-the-counter medications are effective for pain relief

Over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen are an excellent choice for lower back pain relief. Why? Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain, swelling, and fever. It is also recommended for other types of pain such as headache, rheumatic pain, menstrual pain, and even toothache.

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