
The 7 Health Benefits of Copper

The 7 Health Benefits of Copper

The 7 Health Benefits of Copper

Copper is one of the essential micronutrients the body needs to run properly. It comes with a number of positive benefits to your overall wellness, health, and beauty. It improves the appearance of your skin, and it can be used to treat skin conditions and wounds. Copper also helps to maintain proper metabolic function, and comes with a whole host of other amazing health benefits.

Unfortunately, the body is unable to naturally produce copper. That is why you must get it from outside sources. Copper is primarily found in the foods in your diet, such as beans, seeds, nuts, seafood, whole grains, leafy greens, beets, soy, avocados, cocoa, and more.

The copper you ingest is stored in the muscles and bones. Copper can also enter your body through drinking out of copper cups or wearing jewelry made from copper.


The following are the 7 health benefits of copper:

  • Treating Arthritis

Copper is a great natural anti-inflammatory. That basically means it can naturally reduce the swelling and relieve the pain that is commonly associated with arthritis; offering a natural alternative to painkillers.

  • Hair and Eye Health

Melanin is an important ingredient in the production of natural dark pigment, and it can only be created when melanocytes and tyrosinase – which is formed from copper – bind together. Copper essentially helps you keep your hair, eyes, and skin healthy and young. Copper can even help prevent gray hair.

  • Stimulate the Brain

Food that is rich in copper is commonly known as “brain food” because of how it affects and aids the brain. The primary benefit it has for the brain is helping certain proteins move along membranes faster. Several studies have shown that copper increases creativity, showing how copper aids in the development of neural pathways.

  • Slow Aging

As copper is such a potent antioxidant, it can be used to slow down the aging process. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging, and the enzymes copper is needed to create are adept at getting rid of them before they can cause trouble. Copper also prevents the onset of conditions such as macular degeneration, kidney problems, and cancer.

  • Increase Iron Absorption

Copper helps the intestinal tract absorb iron through the blood barrier and release iron from the liver and other organs it is being stored; ensuring that your blood is kept healthy and oxygenated.

  • Improved Immunity

A copper deficiency can lead to a condition known as neutropenia – which is a lack of white blood cells, known as neutrophils. Neutrophils are primarily used to fight infections and keep you healthy. Having a lack of these cells increases your chances of developing an infectious disease.

  • Better Digestion

Copper is one of the essential trace elements needed to keep your digestive system and metabolism working properly. Copper can be used to improve food digestion, eliminate bacteria from drinking water, and reduce stomach inflammation.

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