The Truth About Enzymes

The Truth About Enzymes

The Truth About Enzymes

Enzymes are necessary for digesting food; they release precious vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep us alive and healthy. Enzymes are catalysts, which means that they have the power to cause internal action without being changed or destroyed in the process. Enzymes are destroyed under certain heat conditions. Enzymes are best obtained from uncooked or unprocessed fruit, vegetables, eggs, various types of meat, and fish. Each enzyme acts on a special food: one cannot replace the other. Lack or absence of a single enzyme means the difference between illness and health.

Enzymes that end in – ase are named after the nutrient they act on. for example, the phosphorus enzyme is named phosphatase; after sugar (sucrose) it is known as sucrase.

The Truth About Enzymes
Image by Alicia Harper from Pixabay

Pepsin is an important digestive enzyme that develops proteins in food, breaking them down into usable amino acids. Without pepsin, proteins cannot be used to create healthy skin, strong bone structure, rich blood supply, and strong muscles.

Renin is a digestive enzyme that causes milk to coagulate, converting its protein, casein, into a form that can be used by the body. Renin releases precious minerals from milk – calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron – which the body uses to stabilize the water balance, strengthen the nervous system, and create strong teeth

Lipase breaks down fat, which is then used to nourish skin cells, protect the body from bruises and swelling, and prevent the entry of infectious viral cells and the creation of allergic conditions.

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) acts on solid food in the stomach, such as fibrous meat, vegetables, and poultry. It digests proteins, calcium, and iron. Without HCL, problems such as fatal anemia, stomach cancer, congenital achlorhydria, and allergies can arise. Since stress, tension, anger, and anxiety before eating, as well as the lack of some vitamins (primarily B-Complex) and minerals, can cause a lack of HCL, more people suffer from a lack of hydrochloric acid than we are aware of.

If you think you have problems with excess acid or heartburn, because of which you dose yourself with an antacid, you are probably not aware that the symptoms when you have too little acid are exactly the same as when you have too much, in which case taking antacids can be the worst possible solution.

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