6 Impressive Benefits Of Wakame – Improve Circulation, Thyroid Health And More

6 Impressive Benefits Of Wakame - Improve Circulation, Thyroid Health And More

6 Impressive Benefits Of Wakame – Improve Circulation, Thyroid Health And More

Wakame is an edible brown seaweed or kelp commonly used in making seaweed salad and miso soup in Japanese cuisine. The taste is briny and salty, with a slightly sweet taste mixed in that flavors other foods in such a delightful way. Wakame is rich in several essential vitamins and minerals and at the same time is extremely low in calories and minimal in fat. Contains only about five calories per serving and is said to help burn fat. Wakame is a great addition to any diet as there are few things we can eat that are so well filled with nutrients and health benefits. Here’s the list of health benefits that “crown” Wakame as the ultimate superfood of the sea:

Nutritional Value Of Wakame



Health Benefits Of Wakame

Cancer Prevention. Wakame is rich in iodine, which seems to suppress, even kill, mammary tumors. The iodine in wakame, as well as other sea vegetables that are common in Japanese cuisine, are completely responsible for the quite low breast cancer rate in Japan. This belief is based on the noticed rise in breast cancer rates among Japanese ladies who turned to a Western-style diet with lower seaweed consumption.

Weight Control. The incredibly small amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats contained in wakame is just one reason why it fills you up without adding lots of calories to your diet. Researchers have found a compound known as fucoxanthin in wakame that inhibits the accumulation of fat in the cells and also stimulates fat oxidation. This amazing compound, not often present in vegetables, is the reason that wakame possesses its unusual brown color because it also helps in photosynthesis.

Thyroid Health. As previously explained Wakame contains iodine. Iodine is important for thyroid health. Today many people are affected by thyroid problems. Lots of people have moved away from iodized salt to sea salt which is lower in iodine thereby goiter along with other thyroid diseases has become common… thus consuming Wakame can help.

Bone Health. Manganese in wakame facilitates the formation of bone. Folate contained in it helps prevent osteoporosis-related bone fractures. Magnesium in wakame keeps bones strong while Calcium supports bone structure.

Energy Booster. Magnesium is an incredibly functional and useful mineral in the human body. This mineral is critical in the contraction and relaxation of muscles, the function of certain enzymes in the body, the production and transport of energy, and the production of protein.

Improves Circulation. Iron is a mineral that our bodies need for many functions, and wakame has a high content of iron. Iron is a really important part of red blood cells, and higher levels mean greater circulation in your cardiovascular system, which supplies additional oxygen to essential parts of the body, boosts energy, boosts the health of your skin, and accelerates the healing process of all the tissues and organs within your body!

Some Words of Caution

Even though a large number of the components in wakame are good for your health, it contains a relatively high level of sodium, which isn’t the ideal choice for individuals already suffering from obesity or blood pressure problems. Sodium works against potassium to lower blood pressure, so be sure not to overdo it on the wakame in your meals.

6 Impressive Benefits Of Wakame - Improve Circulation, Thyroid Health And More
Photo by Dilara Yilmaz on Unsplash

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