7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better

7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better

7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better

Some people around the world have trouble sleeping, are you one of them? Eating the right foods in the hours before you go to sleep can help to fall asleep faster and also improve the quality of your sleep. Down there is the list of foods that can help you with sleep.


Walnuts are many people’s favorite snack, but did you know that Walnuts can help you for better sleep? They are a good source of tryptophan, this is a sleep-enhancing amino acid that can help your body make serotonin and melatonin, melatonin regulates your natural sleep pattern and also reduces stress. Some researchers found that walnuts contain their source of melatonin, which is great news that means you may help you fall asleep faster.


They have a great content of magnesium, this mineral is needed for quality sleep (and also a known headache remedy). Some studies have shown that when you have a low level of magnesium in your body, it makes it harder to stay asleep.

Tart Cherry Juice

This melatonin-rich Cherry Juice was shown to aid sleep. When research was done on adults with chronic insomnia who drank this juice twice a day they experienced some relief in the severity of their insomnia.


Chickpeas are also called garbanzo beans, and these beans are loaded with good sources of vitamin B-6 therefore helping your body to produce serotonin, a mood elevator, and also a stress buster. This vitamin also helps synthesize melatonin, which is known as sleep hormone. But you better know this, beans are loaded with high levels of protein and this gives you gas, which can disrupt your sleep.


Sweet Dreams, the production of orexin in the brain can be reduced by a rise in blood sugar. Recently discovered neurotransmitter Orexin is linked to wakefulness. A small amount of honey in your chamomile tea is not a bad idea for Sweet Dreams.


Huh, Spinach is loaded with a high content of potassium and magnesium in addition to this have a high calcium content, all of them minerals that play a role in sleep. Calcium can help the body to generate melatonin, the well-known sleep hormone.

7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better
Photo by Maja Vujic on Unsplash


The magnesium and potassium in this fruit serve as relaxants for muscles and nerves. Also, vitamin B6 found in the Bananas helps to convert tryptophan into serotonin, increasing relaxation even more.

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